Cnr. Johnston & Collins Streets, Annandale
We look forward to worshiping together this Sunday at 10 AM
Virtual Sunday school : To receive weekly lessons and activity sheets by email - just send your email address to hunterbailliechurch(at) and add "I would like to join the virtual Sunday school" and your name in the subject line.
We are open for public Worship at 10am - all are welcome.
However we do ask you to please stay at home if you are suffering from flu like symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with corona virus, social distancing will be expected at all times on the Church grounds.
Pre- marriage and Baptism interviews can be organised to be held at the Church on Wednesdays and Thursdays to discuss your details.
Please email the Assistant Minister - Reverend Thomas Wall: tommowall(at) to organise an appointment time.
Interim Moderator Reverend David Tsai.
Church office phone 02 9552 2057
Session Clerk: Simon Fraser
Tel. (02) 9660 8609 Mob: 0407 107 375
Email: Simon.Fraser (at)
Mail: PO Box 42 Annandale 2038
Hall Bookings: Susan Willard
Email: hunterbailliechurch (at)
Presbyterian Church of Australia website
Presbyterian Church in NSW website on the parish website
Scottish Australian Heritage Council