Cnr. Johnston & Collins Streets, Annandale
We look forward to worshiping together this Sunday at 10 AM
Virtual Sunday school : To receive weekly lessons and activity sheets by email - just send your email address to hunterbailliechurch(at) and add "I would like to join the virtual Sunday school" and your name in the subject line.
We are open for public Worship at 10am - all are welcome.
However we do ask you to please stay at home if you are suffering from flu like symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with corona virus, social distancing will be expected at all times on the Church grounds.
The Hunter Baillie Memorial Church was officially opened on 23 February, 1889, after three years' construction. The Church and its furnishings, together with a Manse (which stood on the adjoining corner of the intersection), a hall and the land on which they were all erected were financed at her own expense, at a cost of more than £35,000, by Mrs Helen Hunter Baillie (née Mackie) as a memorial to her husband. John Hunter Baillie died in 1854 at age thirty-five while still Secretary and Inspector of the Bank of New South Wales. His widow was seventy-eight when she died in 1897.
The church has been the object of an on-going program of restoration. The Heritage Council, recognising the significance of the Hunter Baillie Church funded major restoration work in the 1980s to an amount of $90,000. This permitted reconstruction of the southern transept and restoration of the stained glass in both transepts. The congregation was responsible for the restoration of the unique brass coronets (the original gas lights!) and sanctuary lamps as well as the iron fence and vestibule gates. The stained glass windows in the aisles were restored to mark the church's centenary year. On-going restoration is being performed by voluntary labour with the help of donations to the Restoration Fund.
Much still remains to be done — including the tower, clerestory windows, stonework and the organ — and the cost will be very great. We hope that the Heritage Council will continue to assist as funds become available and that the support of members and friends to give both their time and money for the work will also continue so that the restoration program can be completed. Any donation that you might make to further the restoration of this grand example of our country's heritage would be most gratefully received. Donations $2.00 and over are tax deductible.
Refer Sydney Morning Herald, 2 February 2004. smh
Refer NSW Heritage Office website for Heritage information
For more architectural information regarding the Hunter Baillie Church go to Sydney Architecture site
At the 69th Anniversary of Hunter Baillie, the Moderator dedicated the very long list of very beautiful memorials and furnishing given. "The furniture was all in cedar to match the communion table and rails.
The Moderator chair in memory of Mrs Jessie Robertson Stuart, a foundation member of the church, given by her family.
Two elders chairs to match, one in memory of Mr and Mrs Richard Bradley, given by
Mr and Mrs G. Bradley (Mr G Bradley was Session Clerk)
The other chair in memory of Mrs Margaret Temperance Campbell, given by her family and friends.
Eight smaller elders chairs dedicated in memory of
Trooper Aubrey McLeod Thorne, given by his mother, Mrs A. Thorne
Mrs Ivy Lindeman, given by her husband Mr. Phil. Lindeman
Mrs Edith Lloyd, given by her husband Mr T. Loyd
Mrs M Street Snr. Given by her family
Rev. George L. Sneddon, minister of Hunter Baillie 1946-1949, given by his widow,
Mrs E Sneddon.
Mr William Stuart, given by his widow Mrs A Stuart
Mr and Mrs J.R. Wilson and Mr and Mrs C.E. Baker, the respective parents of
Mr and Mrs N.R. Wilson who gave the chair, Mr and Mrs J.C. Leslie given by their son
Mr. John C. Leslie.
Two glorious pedestals for jardiniere, one by Mrs E. Douglas in memory of her son, writer Thomas Ian Douglas.
The other shared in memory of Mrs Elizabeth Lance, given by her sister Mrs. J. Menzies and Mr Harry Stewart given by Mr Russell Stewart and Mrs Ackroyd.
Mrs Lance's father, Mr Rankin, at one time was choirmaster of Hunter Baillie, and Mr Stewart was an organist.
The brass lectern and large jardiniere dedicated to memory of Rev. Joseph McDowell, minister at Hunter Baillie 1913-1916. The lectern given by his daughters, and the jardiniere by his daughter in law, widow of his only son, Hilton McDowell.
Mrs E. Stewart and the Misses C. and G McDougall gave two lovely vases for the Communion Table.
Mrs E.R. Phillips and Mrs J.C. Leslie gave a second large brass jardiniere.
A brass pulpit lamp was dedicated in memory of Mr and Mrs O.M. Hastie, parents
Presbyterian Church of Australia website
Presbyterian Church in NSW website on the parish website
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We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of our heritage partners
The church's architect was Arthur Blacket, son of the famous colonial architect Edmund Blacket. Morton Herman, in his book 'Architecture of Victorian Sydney', describes the church thus: ". . . with a pure and delightful silhouette when seen from any angle . . . Edmund Blacket . . . built many beautiful towers and spires in his time . . . none of them quite rival the dramatic delicacy of Hunter Baillie Church".
The building is constructed in early English Gothic style. The magnificent spire (the tallest in Sydney) reaches a height of sixty metres above street level. The interior is finely proportioned with massive pillars of Scottish granite and Melbourne bluestone; stained glass and an open timbered roof add to the beauty and dignity of the building. Much of the timber is Australian red cedar whilst the pulpit is superbly carved Oamaru stone from New Zealand, with green marble columns and base. Being of great historical and architectural significance the building is the subject of a Permanent Conservation Order by the Heritage Council of N.S.W. It is also on the National Estate Register.

History of the church